SOMA shapes


As of TileDB-SOMA 1.15 we’re proud to support a more intuitive and extensible notion of shape.

Please also see the Academy tutorial.

Example data

Let’s load the bundled SOMAExperiment containing a subsetted version of the 10X genomics PBMC dataset provided by SeuratObject. This will return a SOMAExperiment object.


exp <- load_dataset("soma-exp-pbmc-small")
#> <SOMAExperiment>
#>   uri: /tmp/RtmpyWHCr1/soma-exp-pbmc-small

The obs dataframe has a domain, which is a soft limit on what values can be written to it. (You’ll get an error if you try to read or write soma_joinid values outside this range, which is an important data-integrity reassurance.)

The domain we see here matches with the data populated inside of it. (This will usually be the case. It might not, if you’ve created the dataframe but not written any data to it yet — at that point it’s empty but it still has a shape.)

If you have more data — more cells — to add to the experiment later, you will be able resize the obs, up to the maxdomain which is a hard limit.

#> $soma_joinid
#> [1]  0 79
#> $soma_joinid
#> integer64
#> [1] 0                   9223372036854773759
#>   soma_joinid    orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA RNA_snn_res.0.8
#> 1           0 SeuratProject         70           47               0
#> 2           1 SeuratProject         85           52               0
#> 3           2 SeuratProject         87           50               1
#> 4           3 SeuratProject        127           56               0
#> 5           4 SeuratProject        173           53               0
#> 6           5 SeuratProject         70           48               0
#>   letter.idents groups RNA_snn_res.1         obs_id
#> 1             A     g2             0 ATGCCAGAACGACT
#> 2             A     g1             0 CATGGCCTGTGCAT
#> 3             B     g2             0 GAACCTGATGAACC
#> 4             A     g2             0 TGACTGGATTCTCA
#> 5             A     g2             0 AGTCAGACTGCACA
#> 6             A     g1             0 TCTGATACACGTGT

The var dataframe’s domain is similar:

var <- exp$ms$get("RNA")$var
#> $soma_joinid
#> [1]   0 229
#> $soma_joinid
#> integer64
#> [1] 0                   9223372036854773759

Likewise, the N-dimensional arrays within the experiment have their shapes as well.

There’s an important difference: while the dataframe domain gives you the inclusive lower and upper bounds for soma_joinid writes, the shape for the N-dimensional arrays is the upper bound plus 1.

Since there are 80 cells here and 230 genes here, X’s shape reflects that.

obs <- exp$obs
var <- exp$ms$get("RNA")$var
X   <- exp$ms$get("RNA")$X$get("data")
#> $soma_joinid
#> [1]  0 79
#> $soma_joinid
#> [1]   0 229
#> integer64
#> [1] 80  230
#> integer64
#> [1] 9223372036854775728 9223372036854775578

The other N-dimensional arrays are similar:

obsm <- exp$ms$get("RNA")$obsm
#> [1] "X_pca"  "X_tsne"
obsp <- exp$ms$get("RNA")$obsp
#> [1] "RNA_snn"
#> [[1]]
#> integer64
#> [1] 80 19
#> [[2]]
#> integer64
#> [1] 9223372036854775728 9223372036854775789
#> [[1]]
#> integer64
#> [1] 80 80
#> [[2]]
#> integer64
#> [1] 9223372036854775728 9223372036854775728

In particular, the X array in this experiment — and in most experiments — is sparse. That means there needn’t be a number in every row or cell of the matrix. Nonetheless, the shape serves as a soft limit for reads and writes: you’ll get an exception trying to read or write outside of these.

As a general rule you’ll see the following:

  • An X array’s shape is nobs x nvar
  • An obsm array’s shape is nobs x some number, maybe 20
  • An obsp array’s shape is nobs x nobs
  • A varm array’s shape is nvar x some number, maybe 20
  • A varp array’s shape is nvar x nvar

Advanced usage: dataframes with non-standard index columns

In the SOMA data model, the SOMASparseNDArray and SOMADenseNDArray objects always have int64 dimensions named soma_dim_0, soma_dim_1, and up, and they have a numeric soma_data attribute for the contents of the array. Furthermore, this is always the case.

#> Schema
#> soma_dim_0: int64 not null
#> soma_dim_1: int64 not null
#> soma_data: double not null

For dataframes, though, while there must be a soma_joinid column of type int64, you can have one or more other index columns in addtion — or, soma_joinid can be a non-index column.

#> Schema
#> soma_joinid: int64 not null
#> orig.ident: dictionary<values=string, indices=int8>
#> nCount_RNA: double
#> nFeature_RNA: int32
#> RNA_snn_res.0.8: dictionary<values=string, indices=int8>
#> letter.idents: dictionary<values=string, indices=int8>
#> groups: large_string
#> RNA_snn_res.1: dictionary<values=string, indices=int8>
#> obs_id: large_string

But really, dataframes are capable of more than that, via the index-column names you specify at creation time.

Let’s create a couple dataframes, with the same data, but different choices of index-column names.

sdfuri1 <- withr::local_tempdir("sdf1")
sdfuri2 <- withr::local_tempdir("sdf2")
asch <- arrow::schema(
    arrow::field("soma_joinid", arrow::int64(), nullable = FALSE),
    arrow::field("mystring", arrow::large_utf8(), nullable = FALSE),
    arrow::field("myint", arrow::int32(), nullable = FALSE),
    arrow::field("myfloat", arrow::float32(), nullable = FALSE)

soma_joinid = c(0, 1)
mystring    = c("hello", "world")
myint       = c(33, 44)
myfloat     = c(4.5, 5.5)

tbl <- arrow::arrow_table(
    soma_joinid = c(soma_joinid),
    mystring = c(mystring),
    myint = c(myint),
    myfloat = c(myfloat)
sdf1 <- SOMADataFrameCreate(
  index_column_names = c("soma_joinid", "mystring"),
  domain = list(soma_joinid = c(0, 9), mystring = NULL)

Now let’s look at the domain and maxdomain for these dataframes.

sdf1 <- SOMADataFrameOpen(sdfuri1)
#> [1] "soma_joinid" "mystring"

Here we see the soma_joinid slot of the dataframe’s domain is as requested.

Another point is that domain cannot be specified for string-type index columns. You can set them at create one of two ways:

domain = list(soma_joinid = (0, 9), mystring = NULL)


domain = list(soma_joinid = (0, 9), mystring = c('', ''))

and in either case the domain slot for a string-typed index column will read back as ('', '').

#> $soma_joinid
#> [1] 0 9
#> $mystring
#> [1] "" ""
#> $soma_joinid
#> integer64
#> [1] 0                   9223372036854773759
#> $mystring
#> [1] "" ""

Now let’s look at our other dataframe. Here soma_joinid is not an index column at all. This is fine, as long as within the data you write to it, the index-column values uniquely identify each row.

sdf2 <- SOMADataFrameCreate(
  index_column_names = c("myfloat", "myint"),
  domain = list(myfloat = c(0, 9999), myint = c(-1000, 1000))
sdf2 <- SOMADataFrameOpen(sdfuri1)
#> [1] "soma_joinid" "mystring"

The domain reads back as written:

#> $soma_joinid
#> [1] 0 9
#> $mystring
#> [1] "" ""
#> $soma_joinid
#> integer64
#> [1] 0                   9223372036854773759
#> $mystring
#> [1] "" ""

Advanced usage: using resize at the dataframe/array level

In the TileDB-SOMA Python API, there is a method for resizing all the dataframes and arrays within an experiment. At present we do not yet offer a corresponding method in the TileDB-SOMA R API, for the simple reason that there is low demand for it. Nonetheless, for completeness, we offer here guidance on how to resizes dataframes and arrays within a TileDB-SOMA experiment.

For N-dimensional arrays that have been upgraded, or that were created using TileDB-SOMA 1.15 or higher, simply do the following:

  • If the array’s $tiledbsoma_has_upgraded_shape() reports FALSE, invoke the $tiledbsoma_upgrade_shape() method.
  • Otherwise invoke the $.resize() method.

Let’s do a fresh unpack of a pre-1.15 experiment:

exp <- load_dataset("soma-exp-pbmc-small-pre-1.15")
#> <SOMAExperiment>
#>   uri: /tmp/RtmpyWHCr1/soma-exp-pbmc-small-pre-1.15

Here we see that the X array has not been upgraded, and that its shape reports the same as maxshape:

X <- exp$ms$get("RNA")$X$get("data")
#> [1] FALSE
#> integer64
#> [1] 80  230
#> integer64
#> [1] 80  230

Given that pre-1.15 TileDB-SOMA-R arrays were created with a maxshape leaving no room for growth, these arrays cannot have their shape resized any further. From 1.15 onward, of course, as we’ve see above, arrays are created with room for growth and you can resize them upward.